THE MODS by vyrha
chat is this rizz?
Contains 54 projects
Testing Pack 101 by vyrha
Uhhh dur dur 1.50
Contains 16 projects
102 by vyrha
Contains 12 projects
Sound and Engines by vyrha
Contains 9 projects
The Library is synced automatically with Trucky for Windows and the Mod Manager feature. These below are the mods this user have installed right now.
EAST Genesis Dump
EAST Genesis Dump by guidot
EAST Genesis dump trailer for SCS loads.

4,020 5.0

Caterpillar 3406 Series engines pack for ATS
Caterpillar 3406 Series engines pack for ATS by eeldavidgt
This mod contains the engines of the Cat 3406 Series, with their characteristic and functional olds sounds for the 1.39 to 1.43 ATS versions.


Manac Steel Flatbed
Manac Steel Flatbed by guidot
Corby's first model for Haulin' that I converted to ATS.

2,782 5.0

Project 3XX
Project 3XX by guidot
Half Fast Gaming's answer to having any 1990's Peterbilt 3XX series truck you'd like in your garage!

18,880 4.6

Traffic trucks and trailers project
Traffic trucks and trailers project by dudi3634
This mod adds more than seventy brands of freight on Freitlaner Cascadia, Mack Hannon, and International Lt trucks, and 53 foot box trailers

853 5.0

Realistic Physics
Realistic Physics by Serialblack
A complete alteration to in game physics to make them more realistic.

3,881 4.5

Corby's Western Star 49x Parts Pack by HFG
Corby's Western Star 49x Parts Pack by HFG by guidot
Corby has modeled some gems here for the 49x and I was asked to get them in game for your enjoyment!


ATS Barrett Live Stock Trailer
ATS Barrett Live Stock Trailer by Anonymous404
ATS Barrett Livestock Trailer.

3,779 5.0

Mack engines and sounds pack
Mack engines and sounds pack by eeldavidgt
This mod is a pack of Mack truck brand engines and sounds, exclusive to your own setups.

1,594 5.0

Caterpillar 3408 V8 Series engines pack for ATS
Caterpillar 3408 V8 Series engines pack for ATS by eeldavidgt
This mod has the sounds of a Caterpillar, model 3408 V8 eight cylinder engine, with the most realistic torque measurements possible.

2,953 5.0

Cummins N14 engines pack
Cummins N14 engines pack by eeldavidgt
This mod contains the Cummins N14 series engine line, and contains 5 options regarding power and specifications: 370, 435, 460, 525 and 600 hp.

2,565 5.0

Caterpillar C Series engines & sounds pack for American Truck Simulator
Caterpillar C Series engines & sounds pack for American Truck Simulator by eeldavidgt
It is a mod of realistic engines and sounds of the Caterpillar C lines.

5,058 5.0

Cummins ISX engines & sounds pack
Cummins ISX engines & sounds pack by eeldavidgt
This package contains the engines of the Cummins ISX line, where it contains several variants of sound depending on the truck.

4,597 4.6

Detroit Diesel 60 Series Sound & Engine Pack
Detroit Diesel 60 Series Sound & Engine Pack by eeldavidgt
This mod contains 4 variants, each of which has several options, with different sound depending on the general configuration type.

4,231 5.0

Reforma Mega Resources
Reforma Mega Resources by Eblem
Mega package file that includes 3D models, assets, signs, vegetation and other props for American Truck Simulator.

274,059 4.7

Reforma by Eblem
Reforma map mod which includes vast regions in Mexico and the United States. Please support or

542,180 4.7

Reforma Other Maps Patch
Reforma Other Maps Patch by Eblem
This patch makes it possible to have compatibility with other map mods in ATS.

37,067 4.9

Reforma Esterlon
Reforma Esterlon by Eblem
Esterlon is a made-up country for a map mod project in ATS, featuring unique road signage and cities inspired by the US and Mex.

24,279 3.9

Project: Mid-Atlantic
Project: Mid-Atlantic by GrayBones
C2C rebuild of the Mid-Atlantic region.

69,008 4.7

Project Better Arizona
Project Better Arizona by AzNate
Additions and improvements for Arizona in ATS.

72,055 4.7

Discover North America
Discover North America by Astranautica
Discover North America; By Team DNA. encompasses both the entirety of Canada and what SCS hasn’t touched in the US!

4,034 3.7

Reforma Promods Background Fix
Reforma Promods Background Fix by Eblem
This is a mod that fixes the position of the North America map to be able to see Reforma content down in Mexico and north in Canada to ProMods content

21,497 4.9

CanaMania by Homburg
The original map of Canada for ATS (previously known as Canadream).

78,382 4.5

Real companies, gas stations & billboards Extended
Real companies, gas stations & billboards Extended by MLH82
This add-on will change things we can't do in Steam

22,447 4.4

MUO/Reforma Compatibility Patch
MUO/Reforma Compatibility Patch by defeoac
This mod adds connections between Reforma Map and Quaristice's Minor Urban Overhaul.

64,299 5.0

Coast to Coast
Coast to Coast by Homburg
The original map expansion for American Truck Simulator.

130,473 4.6

Project Better Arizona Reforma Connection
Project Better Arizona Reforma Connection by AzNate
A separate file for Better Arizona to provide compatibility with Reforma.

55,443 4.4

Hood / dash camera for all trucks
Hood / dash camera for all trucks by Aegle
Replaces the wheel camera on all trucks with a hood / dash camera

412 5.0

International LT engines sound fix for ATS
International LT engines sound fix for ATS by eeldavidgt
This mod contains the A26 and S13 engines for the game's International LT truck.

203 5.0

krizzy090 cabin accessories
krizzy090 cabin accessories by Krizzy090
anime cabin accessories mod

4,016 4.7

ATS Expansion and Alaska NTTF Cargo Add On
ATS Expansion and Alaska NTTF Cargo Add On by Trucker Papi Pupz
Modded Trailer Cargo Add On for ATS Expansion and Alaska NTTF (new for V1.8)

23,867 4.9

SCS Lowboy Trailer - Accessories Pack
SCS Lowboy Trailer - Accessories Pack by Burubin
This mod adds some accessories to SCS lowboy trailer.

4,475 5.0

W900 Chrome Shop
W900 Chrome Shop by Burubin
Accessories and chrome parts for the Kenworth W900 by SCS.

4,090 5.0

Caribbean Ferry Killer (A Caribbean Add-on)
Caribbean Ferry Killer (A Caribbean Add-on) by VipapkStudios
This add-on for TerraMaps' Caribbean Map removes unnecessary ferries, creating logical curved connections for a cleaner look.

4,672 5.0

Caribbean-Texas Ferry (A Caribbean Add-on)
Caribbean-Texas Ferry (A Caribbean Add-on) by VipapkStudios
This add-on for TerraMaps' Caribbean Map connects Texas with Caribbean, designed for non-C2C players.

4,597 5.0

[1.52]Universal Fix&Localization for ATS
[1.52]Universal Fix&Localization for ATS by imxiaoanag
Various bug fixes and several localizations for different mods!

10,243 4.5