The Reforma map mod for American Truck Simulator is a comprehensive overhaul of the game's base map, adding new cities, roads, and landmarks throughout Mexico. With a focus on realism and attention to detail, the mod offers players an authentic trucking experience on the diverse and vibrant roads of Mexico. The Reforma mod includes a range of new features, including custom assets, improved lighting and weather effects, and more challenging and realistic road layouts. With a vast new world to explore and a range of new challenges to face, the Reforma map mod offers a fresh and exciting experience for ATS players.
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Fixed re-cache error
November 30, 2024 Hotifx, Fixed company bugs and errors in the Reforma map. Now, you should be able to take job offers from all the companies on the map. This was caused by SCS changes in internal files for the 1.53 update until I recently discovered it. Please re-download Reforma and replace the file.
*NEW! The city of Torreon, Coahuila
*Compatibility update to ATS 1.53 and California update changes
*New Kenworth truck plant in Mexicali by Milton
*Mega Resources updated and fixed assets and textures to match 1.53 changes
-Compatibility update to ATS 1.52
*Fix UI map error
New cities added;
-Lagos de Moreno
-Encarnación de Diaz
-Compatibility update to ATS 1.50
-MAJOR FPS improvements for new mod packaging procedures (tool provided by SCS), you will notice a MAJOR improvement over FPS counts (60 FPS capped), and game loading in all Reforma areas, this is great news!
-New map background that matches SCS's new UI changes
-Included into Reforma main mod Lagos de Moreno and Encarnación de Díaz. (which will be free)
-Mega Resources updated and fixed assets and textures to match 1.50 changes, major internal changes of the assets, if you are a map modder using MR assets and have troubles please let me know for help.
General bug fix update
Small hotfix
*Tucson Arizona connection fix
*Mazatlan crashes to desktop using ProMods. (make sure to download version 11 of ProMods Reforma patch if using Promods)
*Fixed issues caused in Evanston, Wyoming from Reforma map.
-Improvements over Highway 40D Durango Mazatlan
-Improvements over Highway 15D Mazatlan Tepic
-Fixes over highway 15D Navojoa-Mochis
-Remodel of Jimenez, Chihuahua
-New chestnut trees in Chihuahua (used new Texas assets in the state)
-Minor changes in textures over highway 15D Culiacan-Guasave
-Changes in gas station brands all over the map
-Improvements over Highway 2, Imuris-Agua Prieta and Agua Prieta-Janos
-New traffic areas in map tollbooths
-New bridge models remodel in Chihuahua state, Zacatecas and Durango states
-New highway markings in Juan Aldama-Ojinaga in Chihuahua
-Improvements in Durango and Zacatecas
-Barstow bridge problem fixed
-General bug fixing reported in Discord, thanks to everyone who helps in improving the project!
*Reforma main map (Reforma 2.5.6) was updated with fixes all over the project, such as wrong signage, floating mountains, and invisible walls, thanks to everyone who reported bugs over Reforma's Discord.
-Fixed crash to desktop issue in Torreon city. Along with other major bugs.
-Fixed bridges problem in Barstow and missing town in Van Horn should be now visible since 2.5.5 and now in 2.5.6 and 2.5.7 (1.48 beta)
-All Reforma projects have been updated for version 1.47, including Sierra Nevada, Reforma Los Altos Beta 1, Reforma Noreste Beta 1, Pazz Mod, compatibility patches, and others.
-New zones have been created, remodeled, and improved in California, Arizona, and Sonora, work done by Pazz, which you can see in the following shots. New cities! Puerto Peñasco, Sonoyta remodeling in Sonora, new border crossing between Mexico and the US through Sonoyta and Lukeville, new towns in Arizona such as Gila Bend, Ajo, some improvements to the west of Phoenix, as well as the remodeled city of Yuma. All this new work is completely FREE in this update, you can support Pazz for his work;
-New ambient sounds throughout the map (FMOD), many thanks to Blaquichan for helping me over this! This feature was implemented in 1.47. Now you can hear ambient sounds, such as a waterfall or streams when crossing different bridges and rivers on the map. The tunnel echo has also been corrected, take a new ride on the Mazatlan-Durango to hear the new atmosphere, it will be a spectacular ride.
-Speed limit corrections have been made on the Mexican map. Now Mexican traffic is back to its old ways, a bit crazy, not always respecting speed limits. Report any errors if you see abnormal traffic behavior.
-New tropical palm trees have been added that better suit the map's ambiance, thanks to Marco Esquivel for his palm models and other objects implemented in the Mega Resources, as well as new models of Mexican-style houses by Marco Esquival and Blaquichan (José Trucking). Soon we will give a more Mexican touch to both old and new cities. Among many other assets that will help us create better landscapes. Make sure to download the latest version of Mega Resources with the same version number as Reforma Map 2.5.4 and Mega Resources 2.5.4.
-New bypass road in Aguascalientes, as well as improvements on the 80D stretch between Lagos de Moreno and SLP, Ojuelos, and improvements in the south of the city of SLP in the industrial zone. Thanks to Milton for these improvements.
-Work has been done on error correction, signaling, potholes, invisible walls, new gas station info totems in the US... yes... even the floating hill in Hermosillo has been removed xD, I thank those who supported us in reporting bugs on Discord.
Some decisions we made that may be controversial:
*The Sierra Nevada map was separated from Reforma, and the legacy version of Sierra Nevada is still available. This was suggested and requested by many users who prefer only the Mexico map. If you want the Sierra Nevada map or your profile configured with that map, you will need to download and activate it in your mods. The Reforma Mexico map is currently the Reforma map, which no longer applies. The decision to separate the Sierra Nevada map means that many people also prefer SCS's remodeling of California, which in some aspects is newer and of higher quality than our older work in many areas. Please note that this mod runs the risk of becoming incompatible and discontinued in the future if SCS makes drastic changes that could affect the map's functionality. Part of this decision to separate it from the main Reforma map is to avoid unnecessary problems in the future with the more popular Mexico map.
*The cities of Tijuana and Ensenada (including La Rumorosa) were removed in preparation for a possible future improvement (once SCS remodels San Diego, California). Both cities are no longer at the level of our work, so we decided to remove them, and we will make their remodeled versions in the future. The Ensenada garage was left to avoid errors for users who purchased a garage there; Tijuana did not have any garages. We apologize for any inconvenience this decision may cause. We also do not rule out rebuilding both cities from scratch in the future, including other missing cities like Tecate, Valle de Gpe, and La Rumorosa.
*We continue to work on optimization, with many improvements made by Jose (Blaquichan). We optimized Chihuahua, Mazatlán, Nogales, Culiacán, and Zacatecas. We understand that the map has many optimization problems due to poor mapping techniques applied in old areas of the map or due to the heaviness of some cities. Over the years, we have improved and learned new mapping techniques that are more optimal, and SCS has implemented better tools that help us optimize and improve the landscape. This work also involves remodeling the landscape in many old road sections, which is a titanic task. We have decided to prioritize the creation of new areas rather than focusing our attention on optimizing/replacing old areas of the map, and occasionally we will also make remodels to optimize the map. I understand that many people may not be able to run the map, and I apologize for those details. I can only recommend lowering your graphics in the game's options or getting better equipment (PC).
*Fix update for Reforma 2.4.6. for ATS 1.46
*Some changes were made in Gomez Palacio Durango for future expansion to the east.
*Fixed invisible walls in Durango, El Paso, and other regions.
*Fixed landscape errors from recent update to Texas DLC connections.
-Fixed invisible wall in El Paso and Durango, Mexico
-Fixed time zone issue in El Paso region to mountain time zone.
-Fixed def for traffic data
-Fixed Mexico map delivery times and speed limits, now should be the same as in the base map in all mexican states.
-Fixed AI behaviors in the Mexico map.
-Added border checkpoint for inspection icon in missing border crossings.
-New US 67 road route between Presidio and Marfa west Texas
-New fixed connection to SCS El Paso.
-Functional company for Peterbilt added in map
-New assets included in the new version of Mega Resources.
-New details added in map, such as markers
-New terminal port in Mazatlan
-New delivery area in Zacatecas
-Some tweaks over gas stations in Mexico map.
-General bug fixing all over the map, thank you to everyone who is supporting us
-Compatibility update to ATS 1.46 of Reforma map.
-Compatibility update to ATS 1.45, general bug fixing over the map.
-Newest Montana DLC compatibility (the DLC is NOT needed)
-General fixes to the map, final build for 1.44
Compatibility update to 1.44
-General bugfix over the map, reported by different users.
-Replaced Reforma's Sacramento to SCS Sacramento, due to map link compatibility. Possibly after the complete SCS California Rebuilt we might do something there to replace back our work and different content, can't promise.
-New connection south of Redding to SCS CA Rework.
-Reforma's Truckee was replaced in some areas, but most of Reforma Truckee remains the same.
-Reforma's Donner Pass bridge replaced
-New tight delivery prefab in Mexico map.
-Minor changes in Jesus María area, Nayarit state.
-Improvements south of Nayarit state thanks to Milton.
-New border checkpoint in Sonoyta, Sonora.
-Fixed signage problem on both USA map and Mexico map.
Notice! Mega Resources is now required to work with Reforma, included inside the zip. New changes are due to easy use of Mega Resources with other map mods by different users and our own new Esterlon project, it is best to keep separate the asset files from the map, hope you understand and I'm sorry for any inconveniences caused. Make sure to check the new load order.
-General bugfix over the map, optimization, render distance issues.
-New custom company prefab in Nogales Mexico (Soriana), check it out!
-Signage update in California (the Sierra Nevada and PazzMod map), new milage signs.
-Fixed cutscenes name in English and Spanish, depending on your game language configuration you'll be able to see the correct name in your language of all viewpoints on the map.
-Compatibility update to 1.43, which adapts the mod to all SCS changes over the new version.
-Fixed several holes (after optimization fix) over I-80 and I-580 in Reno and Carson City area.
-New bridge model for Baluarte (Durango-Mazatlan) Mexico 40D. Thanks to Stephanie.
-New mexican warehouse building for delivery (Roedores) based in a popular transport company in Mexico "Castores", located in San Luis Potosí, Mexicali, Durango, Mazatlan, San Luis Rio Colorado and Chihuahua city. Thanks to Sthepanie for 3D work, Milton for placing the company prefabs and I did the configurations.
-Zacatecas : Improvements over tollbooth to Aguascalientes and Zacatecas bypass
-San Luis Río Colorado: Imrpvoements over lighting in tollbooth and new company prefab (roedores).
-SLP: Small improvements over bypass and new company prefab (rodedores)
-Rio Verde: tollbooth improvement
CD Valles: tollbooth improvement and optimization improvement
Cerritos: tollbooth improvement
Matehuala: tollbooth improvement
Durango: tollbooth improvement, new delevery to gas station and new prefab (roedores)
Jiménez: tollbooth improvement
Guamuchil: tollbooth improvement
Durango-Mazatlán, improved, new balutarte bridge improved and optimized
Chihuahua: improved the tollbooths of Nuevo casas grandes, Ricardo Flores Magón, Libramiento oriente, carretera and Aldama-Ojinaga toll.
*New areas over Sonora and Chihuahua, new cities such as Nuevo Casas Grandes, Arivechi, Moctezuma, Agua Prieta, Douglas, Janos, Ascension, Flores Magon, San Buenaventura.
*Optimized for Convoy use.
*Major fixes and FPS improvements were done over Carson City, Reno area.
*Some bugs fixed
*Adapted for new Wyoming DLC (not required)
*General bug fix reported in past 2 weeks.
-Fixed many additional bug reports.
-A blocking mountains east Zacatecas
-Some more mountain fixes, flickering errors, landscape errors, more to fix.
-Fixed electronic panels in Reno and other areas
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