ATS Maps

Project: Mid-Atlantic
Project: Mid-Atlantic by GrayBones
C2C rebuild of the Mid-Atlantic region.

69,008 4.7

Midwest Expansion C2C Required
Midwest Expansion C2C Required by Jacemeister
This map is an currently an addon to Coast to Coast and adds new detail around the US.

65,771 4.5

Coast to Coast
Coast to Coast by Homburg
The original map expansion for American Truck Simulator.

130,473 4.6

Reforma by Eblem
Reforma map mod which includes vast regions in Mexico and the United States. Please support or

542,178 4.7

Discover Ontario and Quebec
Discover Ontario and Quebec by Attom
Version V 4-153 for SCS 1.53

71,457 4.7

Bonjour Quebec
Bonjour Quebec by Attom
Version V0.1.2 for SCS 1.50 Thanks to "Geno" for all conections to other maps

35,750 4.7

Reforma Sierra Nevada
Reforma Sierra Nevada by Eblem
The Sierra Nevada map mod for American Truck Simulator expands the game world to include the stunning Sierra Nevada region in California and Nevada.

54,218 4.8

Discover North America
Discover North America by Astranautica
Discover North America; By Team DNA. encompasses both the entirety of Canada and what SCS hasn’t touched in the US!

4,034 3.7

No Weigh Stations - C2C
No Weigh Stations - C2C by Homburg
This mod removes the triggers for the Weigh Stations so you can drive by in peace.

625 5.0

ATS Mountain Reworks
ATS Mountain Reworks by Travismods
This mod reworks mountains around the SCS base map and improves their draw distances, shapes and textures.

6,560 5.0

East Meets Mid-North
East Meets Mid-North by Geno
Adding cities across US and Canada

65,972 4.6

[1.49] ATS Expansion - Reforma Sierra Nevada Fix
[1.49] ATS Expansion - Reforma Sierra Nevada Fix by Kaiser Kemastert
This Mod fixes the broken Roads in between ATS Expansion and Reforma's Sierra Nevada in the Redding Area. For ATS 1.49

2,502 5.0