ATS Mountain Reworks

This map mod aims to rework mountains around the SCS base map. I have reshaped the mountains, updated and reworked their textures sharpness and contrast and I also improved their far models. This means they are now visible from a much greater distance closer to how they appear IRL and are significantly taller than in the base game. 8K textures for all mountains were re-captured from Google Earth.

For now this mod currently reworks (v2):

• Rocky Mountains / Denver

• Mt Hood & The Dalles (Portland visibility)

• Mt Shasta, Black Butte and surrounding areas along I-5

• Mt Rainier (Seattle visibility)

• Sawtooth Mountains (Stanley, ID)

• Grand Teton Texture Enhancement

Regarding performance: fortunately the increased sizes and textures of the mountains do not appear to impact framerate in any significant way. There should not be any bugs or issues after the extensive testing that I have been doing but please report if you find something clipping or looking off. Mod should have no issues with any map mod due to it not sharing sectors. If you find a sector crash please report it.

Please support my work by a donation here

This file has been verified and is safe to download.
Travismods Verified Creator
All Rights Reserved
Initial Release
Current Version
Last Updated
Travismods - All rights reserved. Any reupload or redistribution of this file without the author's prior written consent is forbidden.
This American Truck Simulator add-on was created by Travismods and shared in Maps for American Truck Simulator.