ATS Texture

ProMods Complete North American Background Map
ProMods Complete North American Background Map by DOWL
High quality background map for ATS with full coverage of North America.

18,494 4.7

ProMods Pacific & North American Map Background
ProMods Pacific & North American Map Background by DOWL
ATS background map with extended Pacific coverage.

2,958 4.0

Real companies, gas stations & billboards Extended
Real companies, gas stations & billboards Extended by MLH82
This add-on will change things we can't do in Steam

22,447 4.4

Better Truck Stops
Better Truck Stops by grafgaming
This mod filling truck stops in some states.

4,055 5.0

ATS Mountain Reworks
ATS Mountain Reworks by Travismods
This mod reworks mountains around the SCS base map and improves their draw distances, shapes and textures.

6,560 5.0