Caribbean-Texas Ferry (A Caribbean Add-on)

Caribbean-Texas Ferry (A Caribbean Add-on)

I've created an add-on for players not using C2C, connecting Galveston (Texas) with Key West (Caribbean). This standalone release ensures C2C players won't be routed to the ferry, allowing them to enjoy their preferred experience of driving directly to their destination. That's why it's not part of the other add-on I created.


Load Order

Both of my add-ons have undergone testing and have been included in the North America map combo by GMC Logistics. Thank you immensely for this opportunity! Personally, I'm using GMC Logistics' Great America map combo. However, I've excluded Great America's map and add-ons due to compatibility issues with the Caribbean Map.

I determined this load order based on the guidance provided by GMC Logistics Load Order.

  • Fullscreen Map (optional)
  • Background Map
  • Caribbean-Texas Ferry (designed for non-C2C players)
  • Caribbean Ferry Killer
  • Caribbean Map


This mod is likely to be compatible with a wide range of fullscreen mods and background maps.

Due to conflicts between the Caribbean Map and Great America, this add-on isn't compatible with Great America's map and add-ons.


VipapkStudios, TerraMaps, JerryMaster & Arayas

This file has been verified and is safe to download.
VipapkStudios Verified Creator
All Rights Reserved
Initial Release
Current Version
1.50 1.51
Last Updated
Required Content
VipapkStudios - All rights reserved. Any reupload or redistribution of this file without the author's prior written consent is forbidden.
This American Truck Simulator add-on was created by VipapkStudios and shared in Maps for American Truck Simulator.