Favorite Mods by trainzfan
Contains 3 projects
The Library is synced automatically with Trucky for Windows and the Mod Manager feature. These below are the mods this user have installed right now.
Stock Traffic Light Timing Add-On
Stock Traffic Light Timing Add-On by Greenlightracer
Add-On For Better Traffic Mods that adds Stock Traffic Light Timings

543 4.3

Island Map
Island Map by Duckie
Island Map adds the state of Hawaii to ATS. Explore the Big Island Today!

25,437 4.0

DOWL's Universal Map Editor Background ATS
DOWL's Universal Map Editor Background ATS by DOWL
Large editor background with coverage of North America.

911 4.0

ATS Better Traffic
ATS Better Traffic by Greenlightracer
Aims to give a better traffic experience

5,249 5.0

ATS Longer Traffic Lights From Better Traffic
ATS Longer Traffic Lights From Better Traffic by Greenlightracer
This is simply ONLY the longer traffic light timings from the Better Traffic mod. It changes nothing else.

1,206 5.0

1:1 Time Scale USA
1:1 Time Scale USA by volosoqy@azuretechtalk.net
1 minute = 1 minute! A dependency for fake standalone maps.

3,823 5.0

Texoma REWORKED by TornadoKegan
A SCS Addon Focusing on Reworking the North Texas/Oklahoma Region

3,519 1.5

Project Texas is hight quality, detailed map mod for American truck simulator which focus on adding new areas of upcoming Texas dlc to the game


PaZzMod Legacy
PaZzMod Legacy by PaZz
PaZzMod Legacy encompasses the contents that existed before PaZzMod was merged into the Reforma map.

2,545 5.0

Project Better Arizona PaZzMod Connection
Project Better Arizona PaZzMod Connection by AzNate
A separate file for Better Arizona to provide compatibility with PaZzMod Legacy.

1,350 5.0

This map mod focus on adding newly created city in California - San Rafael.

6,587 3.7

Fort Collins Rework v2.0
Fort Collins Rework v2.0 by HammyTheTrucker
A Rework for Ft Collins, Colorado

12,402 4.3

Texoma 1:1 Skin Pack for Drivable AI
Texoma 1:1 Skin Pack for Drivable AI by TornadoKegan
Texoma 1:1 Skin Pack for Drivable AI Recommended for s


Google Maps Voice Navigation Pack
Google Maps Voice Navigation Pack by Marian.K
Polish Voice in navigation Google Maps


Bus Cargo
Bus Cargo by EmbatMods
Mexican Company Bus Load

324 5.0

Midwest Expansion C2C Required
Midwest Expansion C2C Required by Jacemeister
This map is an currently an addon to Coast to Coast and adds new detail around the US.

65,771 4.5

Enhanced camera settings (ATS)
Enhanced camera settings (ATS) by Mesu
Change the photo mode settings.


[Obsolete] ProMods Canada - CanaMania Road Connection Fix
[Obsolete] ProMods Canada - CanaMania Road Connection Fix by Jerry GMC Master Fixer
Fixes an issue on the Promods Canada - CanaDream/CanaMania RC

12,380 4.6

CanaMania by Homburg
The original map of Canada for ATS (previously known as Canadream).

78,382 4.5

MUO/Reforma/LA Ferry Patch
MUO/Reforma/LA Ferry Patch by defeoac
This mod ensures compatibility between Reforma Map, Deidra's/GMC Logistics's LA Ferry Port, and Quaristice's Minor Urban Overhaul.

31,427 5.0

MUO/LA Ferry Patch
MUO/LA Ferry Patch by defeoac
This mod ensures compatibility between Deidra's/GMC Logistics's LA Ferry Port and Quaristice's Minor Urban Overhaul.

5,043 5.0

US State Police Pack
US State Police Pack by Zenkaiser2021
State Police Patrol Cars for Midwest, Southern, Montana, Alaska, Hawaii and East Coast States with Big Major Cities Police, Border Patrol, DHS, & FBI.

5,713 3.7

PA EXP by Tornado15
PA EXP is an map that expands and details pa

1,475 1.7

Project Michigan
Project Michigan by TramHammer
Project Michigan is a map mod that adds Michigan to supply SCS quality areas

14,027 4.8

Discover Ontario and Quebec
Discover Ontario and Quebec by Attom
Version V 4-153 for SCS 1.53

71,457 4.7

Project: Mid-Atlantic
Project: Mid-Atlantic by GrayBones
C2C rebuild of the Mid-Atlantic region.

69,008 4.7

Discover North America
Discover North America by Astranautica
Discover North America; By Team DNA. encompasses both the entirety of Canada and what SCS hasn’t touched in the US!

4,034 3.7

Bonjour Quebec
Bonjour Quebec by Attom
Version V0.1.2 for SCS 1.50 Thanks to "Geno" for all conections to other maps

35,750 4.7

Coast to Coast
Coast to Coast by Homburg
The original map expansion for American Truck Simulator.

130,473 4.6

Project Better Arizona
Project Better Arizona by AzNate
Additions and improvements for Arizona in ATS.

72,055 4.7

Project Better Arizona Reforma Connection
Project Better Arizona Reforma Connection by AzNate
A separate file for Better Arizona to provide compatibility with Reforma.

55,443 4.4

Reforma Mega Resources
Reforma Mega Resources by Eblem
Mega package file that includes 3D models, assets, signs, vegetation and other props for American Truck Simulator.

274,055 4.7

Reforma by Eblem
Reforma map mod which includes vast regions in Mexico and the United States. Please support paypal.me/eeblem or patreon.com/eblem.

542,177 4.7

Reforma Sierra Nevada
Reforma Sierra Nevada by Eblem
The Sierra Nevada map mod for American Truck Simulator expands the game world to include the stunning Sierra Nevada region in California and Nevada.

54,218 4.8

Drivable Jazzycat’s classic pack
Drivable Jazzycat’s classic pack by kawaii_hunter
Mod which makes some of the vehicles from Jazzycat’s classic pack drivable.

3,629 5.0

MUO/Reforma Compatibility Patch
MUO/Reforma Compatibility Patch by defeoac
This mod adds connections between Reforma Map and Quaristice's Minor Urban Overhaul.

64,299 5.0

MUO/Sierra Nevada Compatibility Patch
MUO/Sierra Nevada Compatibility Patch by defeoac
This mod adds connections between Reforma Sierra Nevada Legacy and Quaristice's Minor Urban Overhaul.

25,339 4.8