my ats by bigtexasoutlaw6969
Contains 1 projects
The Library is synced automatically with Trucky for Windows and the Mod Manager feature. These below are the mods this user have installed right now.
Project 3XX
Project 3XX by guidot
Half Fast Gaming's answer to having any 1990's Peterbilt 3XX series truck you'd like in your garage!

18,880 4.6

RSH SCS Flatbed Addon
RSH SCS Flatbed Addon by RSH Modding
An addon that for now adds a 5 axle chassis to the SCS flatbed.


CanaMania by Homburg
The original map of Canada for ATS (previously known as Canadream).

78,382 4.5

Road Connection Between Promods Canada and Alaska - North To The Future
Road Connection Between Promods Canada and Alaska - North To The Future by Trucker Franglais
Adds in a nice long road between these two great maps.

23,020 4.8

Coast to Coast
Coast to Coast by Homburg
The original map expansion for American Truck Simulator.

130,473 4.6