Мега сборка

Poland Rebuilding
Poland Rebuilding by Michaleczeq
PR is a map that completly rebuilds Poland on ProMods map. Besides new road network, it offers many new intresting cities, towns and villages.

21,930 5.0

JRR (Java Road Revolution) - Indonesia Map [Type A - Default Version]
JRR (Java Road Revolution) - Indonesia Map [Type A - Default Version] by Septian_MR
Default Version - Indonesia's most realistic expansion map mod for ETS2, from Jakarta's vibrant streets to Java's diverse landscapes.

106,667 4.7

Horn of Africa
Horn of Africa by UniMaps
Horn of Africa is a map of Somalia and Kenya, with plans to expand into all neighboring countries

57,157 4.8

[REL] ADDON PROMODS IBERIA REWORK v1.3.0a FOR 1.53 [31/01/2025]
[REL] ADDON PROMODS IBERIA REWORK v1.3.0a FOR 1.53 [31/01/2025] by CCM02
[REL] ADDON PROMODS IBERIA REWORK v1.3 FOR 1.53 [30/01/2025] This mod consists of the reconstruction and expansion of Spain, Portugal and Andorra

32,698 4.7

[1.53] Bengans Swedish Islands Map
[1.53] Bengans Swedish Islands Map by Jerry GMC Master Fixer
Revival of Bengans Map (RIP Bengan)

73,075 4.9

Off the Grid - Russia
Off the Grid - Russia by UniMaps
Explore the untamed beauty of Siberian outback roads or so called - off the grid with my map!

50,640 4.4

Belt Of The Tundra
Belt Of The Tundra by Boberowsky
Explore the eastern siberian roads made by Slavmaps

8,659 4.0

Heart of Africa
Heart of Africa by Ciezarowkarz :)
Heart of Africa: New 1.50 Explore West and Central Africa regions, Gambia Senegal.

50,261 4.9

[1.50] FunTrucker_18s Project Caucasus
[1.50] FunTrucker_18s Project Caucasus by Jerry GMC Master Fixer
Map Connecting AZGE to The Great Steppe

39,959 5.0

[1.53] Project Palestine
[1.53] Project Palestine by HamzaB67
This map: Opens the southern border of Lebanon, Re-Adds Gaza and renames "West Bank" to "Palestine".

25,386 4.0

The Cold North Map
The Cold North Map by hi sora
ProMods Addon that extends center sweden

23,823 4.7

[1.53] ProMods The Great Steppe Beyond Fix
[1.53] ProMods The Great Steppe Beyond Fix by Jerry GMC Master Fixer
Disables Promods The Great Steppes' extra unused definitions that cause conflicts with Beyond by TerraMaps

39,586 5.0

[1.52]Beyond Fix
[1.52]Beyond Fix by imxiaoanag
Fix bugs and errors for Beyond ETS2, as well as providing a better environment for Beyond&other maps' fixes.

24,487 4.8

[1.52]Beyond - Horn of Africa Fix
[1.52]Beyond - Horn of Africa Fix by imxiaoanag
Fix conflicts between Beyond and Horn of Africa.

8,097 5.0

[1.53] RusMap Fix
[1.53] RusMap Fix by Jerry GMC Master Fixer
Fixes some errors when loading RusMap

18,637 5.0

ProMods - RusMap - Poland Rebuilding RC
ProMods - RusMap - Poland Rebuilding RC by hi sora
connects ProMods with RusMap and Poland Rebuilding

7,874 4.3

[1.53] Red Sea Map + Beyond  - ProMods Middle-East Road Connection
[1.53] Red Sea Map + Beyond - ProMods Middle-East Road Connection by Jerry GMC Master Fixer
Connection for Beyond with ProMods Middle-East and Red Sea Resurrection

17,940 4.8

Iberia Map RW FIX
Iberia Map RW FIX by hi sora
Fixes conflict with base game and fills the terrain gap
