hi sora Verified Creator
most emo ETS modder 😔🤞🇸🇦
Kirov Map - Sibir Map RC
Kirov Map - Sibir Map RC by hi sora
RC for Sibir Map and Kirov Map

7,538 5.0

Southern Region Map - Caucasus Expansion RC
Southern Region Map - Caucasus Expansion RC by hi sora
RC for SRMap and Caucasus Expansion

738 5.0

Russian Open Spaces - Kirov Map RC
Russian Open Spaces - Kirov Map RC by hi sora
RC for ROS map and Kirov Map

3,938 5.0

Road to Aral FIX
Road to Aral FIX by hi sora
Fixes and RC for Road to Aral

2,865 5.0

Lithuania Rework - Road Connection FIX
Lithuania Rework - Road Connection FIX by hi sora
Fixes roadbreak caused by Road Connections.

385 5.0

Polska Południowa - Road Connection FIX
Polska Południowa - Road Connection FIX by hi sora
Fixes a roadbreak caused by Ukraine Expansion RC

133 5.0

Carpathian Addon FIX
Carpathian Addon FIX by hi sora
Fixes all of the issues and makes Carpathian Addon compatbile with 1.49


New ProMods Cities Poland Rebuilding Merge
New ProMods Cities Poland Rebuilding Merge by hi sora
Merges two new ProMods cities with Poland Rebuilding

377 5.0

The Cold North Map
The Cold North Map by hi sora
ProMods Addon that extends center sweden

3,590 4.8

The Cold North Map - Project E6 FIX + RC
The Cold North Map - Project E6 FIX + RC by hi sora
FIX + RC for The Cold North Map - Project E6


Greenland Tweaks
Greenland Tweaks by hi sora
Tweaks & merges 3 Greenland mods

4,101 5.0

ScandinaviaMod FIX
ScandinaviaMod FIX by hi sora
Fixes all of the issues for ScandinaviaMod

695 5.0

ProMods - RusMap - Poland Rebuilding RC
ProMods - RusMap - Poland Rebuilding RC by hi sora
connects ProMods with RusMap and Poland Rebuilding

242 5.0