[SCR] Timpte Super Seal

Here's a blast from the past: a late-70's Timpte Super Seal. This rather distinctive reefer was a well-regarded lightweight option at the time. There's not a huge amount of information out there about these, besides that the plant, design, and Super Seal trademark were sold to Great Dane in the 80's. What's truly important is that it prominently features a parka-clad seal as part of its branding - probably the boldest appearance of any reefer ever.


This mod is intended to be used with my wheel pack. Make sure you have the Wheel Pack set with higher priority than the trailer(s) in the Mod Manager. You can use it without the Wheel Pack, but the default wheels do not look good on it. (Support coming in a future Wheel Pack update)

Special Thanks:

All of my Patreon supporters! - These wonderful people provide me with financial support each month which helps me spend more time making high quality mods like this!

50keda - 50keda for his invaluable support while learning SCS Blender Tools, and also for developing SCS Blender Tools

Software Used:

  • Blender 2.93
  • SCS Blender Tools
  • Adobe Photoshop CC
  • Adobe Illustrator CC
  • Substance Designer
  • Notepad++

Please, do not upload this elsewhere. My official distribution channels are Workshop, Trucky Mod Hub, and scr-rigs.com

All brands and trademarks that appear in this mod are property of their respective owners. Unless explicitly stated otherwise, this mod is not endorsed by or otherwise affiliated with the owners of any trademarks that appear in it.

This file has been verified and is safe to download.
Smarty Verified Creator
All Rights Reserved
Initial Release
Current Version
Last Updated
Smarty - All rights reserved. Any reupload or redistribution of this file without the author's prior written consent is forbidden.
This American Truck Simulator add-on was created by Smarty and shared in Trailers for American Truck Simulator.