Channel Tunnel Unhidden - Promods Addon
Channel Tunnel Unhidden - Promods Addon by SaltySeeds06
This mod sets the channel tunnel as visible in the UI map

2,936 5.0

Gaza Re-Added - Promods Middle East Addon
Gaza Re-Added - Promods Middle East Addon by SaltySeeds06
This mod re-adds the city of Gaza to Promods Middle East

1,386 5.0

Northern Cyprus Addon
Northern Cyprus Addon by SaltySeeds06
This mod adds Northern Cyprus to Promods.

7,635 5.0

The Great Steppe - SibirMap Fix
The Great Steppe - SibirMap Fix by SaltySeeds06
This mod fixes def and sector conflics between TGS and SibirMap

13,359 5.0