Muha10 Verified Creator
Slovenian voice navigation - Google Maps
Slovenian voice navigation - Google Maps by Muha10
This mod adds Slovenian voice navigation - Google Maps to Euro Truck Simulator 2!


Slovenian voice navigation - Google Maps
Slovenian voice navigation - Google Maps by Muha10
This mod adds Slovenian voice navigation - Google Maps to American Truck Simulator!


ETA and rest on GPS - SCS Trucks
ETA and rest on GPS - SCS Trucks by Muha10
This mod adds Estimated Time to Arrival (ETA) and time to rest to in-cab GPS.

1,026 5.0

ETA and rest on Cabin Accessory GPS - SCS Trucks
ETA and rest on Cabin Accessory GPS - SCS Trucks by Muha10
Adds Estimated Time to Arrival (ETA) to GPS and phone!


ETA and rest on GPS - SCS Trucks
ETA and rest on GPS - SCS Trucks by Muha10
This mod adds Estimated Time to Arrival (ETA) and time to rest to in-cab GPS.

655 5.0

ETA and rest on Cabin Accessory GPS - SCS Trucks
ETA and rest on Cabin Accessory GPS - SCS Trucks by Muha10
Adds Estimated Time to Arrival (ETA) to GPS and phone!