Project: Mid-Atlantic
Project: Mid-Atlantic by GrayBones
C2C rebuild of the Mid-Atlantic region.

69,008 4.7

[OBSOLETE] Montana Expansion - Coast to Coast Fix
[OBSOLETE] Montana Expansion - Coast to Coast Fix by Jerry GMC Master Fixer
Fixes country conflict between the maps

10,123 5.0

International 9900i Addons
International 9900i Addons by Digital X
A few addons & tweaks for the newly released International 9900i.


BiggDogg Pete 379
BiggDogg Pete 379 by Bigg_Dogg89
1987-2003 Pete 379 glider. Build to you needs!

8,893 4.2

Detroit Diesel Series 60 Straight pipe sound
Detroit Diesel Series 60 Straight pipe sound by Slav Jerry
This mod is Detroit Diesel 60 Series straight pipe sound for SCS and modded trucks

11,473 5.0

CAT C12 Straight pipe sound
CAT C12 Straight pipe sound by Slav Jerry
This mod is CAT C12 Straight pipe sound for SCS and truck mods

5,842 5.0

Cummins Signature 600 Striaght pipe sound
Cummins Signature 600 Striaght pipe sound by Slav Jerry
This mod is Cummins Signature 600 Straight pipe sound for SCS trucks and truck mods

3,166 4.8

ATS Expansion and Alaska NTTF Cargo Add On
ATS Expansion and Alaska NTTF Cargo Add On by Trucker Papi Pupz
Modded Trailer Cargo Add On for ATS Expansion and Alaska NTTF (new for V1.8)

23,867 4.9