Russain Maps

Off the Grid - Russia
Off the Grid - Russia by UniMaps
Explore the untamed beauty of Siberian outback roads or so called - off the grid with my map!

51,327 4.4

Trans-Siberian Truckway
Trans-Siberian Truckway by kwigdulah
Map of Russia (Siberia and the Far East) from Omsk Oblast to Vladivostok through Lake Baikal, Amur river and the Sakha republic.

44,304 4.2

Sinegor'e Map Add-on
Sinegor'e Map Add-on by Adammm.LN
OTGR 2.2 is required for this mod This mod adds the village of Sinegor'e

9,472 4.8

Russian Isles
Russian Isles by hi sora
Adds Russian island - Oshtrow Russkyia

8,171 5.0

Project Russia
Project Russia by createdbaness
Get an incredible driving experience on the Moscow Ring. It includes the most popular converted cities: Moscow, Kolomna, Ryazan.

11,154 4.8

Road To Arkhangelsk - Project Russia Addon
Road To Arkhangelsk - Project Russia Addon by Vern37
This Mod restores the M8 highway section from standalone PR and makes it work with the adaptation and the general mod assembly

3,737 5.0