New Dry Bulk Cargoes

This mod adds new cargoes for the SCS Dry Bulk Trailer. In the base game there are only a few cargoes for this trailer. This obviously limits the number of loads and a variety of shippers and receivers. I originally started on this for my own use but decided I'd take a crack at releasing and maintaining a mod since this seemed like something that more than a few people might appreciate.

Currently the mod includes the following new cargoes:

  • Bulk Flour (shipper Global Mills Food plant)
  • Bulk Salt (shipper Global Mills Food plant)
  • Bulk Starch (shipper Global Mills Food plant)
  • Bulk Sugar (shipper Global Mills Food plant)

These cargoes go to suitable receivers including the USBB plant, Darchelle Uzau wineries, Mon Coeur wineries, Global Mills Dairy plants, Fish Tail Foods plant, and Farmer's Barn plants with appropriate assignment for the type of business.

The cargoes should work with any trailer that also uses the base game dry bulk cargoes, but I don't have any such mod trailers so I have not tested this. Feedback on this is welcome and I'll look into compatibility as and when I can. I make no promises about making this mod compatible with other specific mods.

I do intend to add more cargoes over time as well as their suitable shippers and receivers, again as and when I can. There's no timeline for this to happen.

This file has been verified and is safe to download.
xTHANATOPSISx Verified Creator
GNU General Public License version 3 (GPLv3)
Initial Release
Current Version
Last Updated
xTHANATOPSISx - All rights reserved. Any reupload or redistribution of this file without the author's prior written consent is forbidden.
This American Truck Simulator add-on was created by xTHANATOPSISx and shared in Trailers for American Truck Simulator.