Big Custom Bumpers with 4 Variants - Local mod

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Hello and thanks for visiting the site on Trucky, I decided to make this mod be available to the public on the Steam Workshop, at some point I also decided to upload the mod to the Trucky website!

To get started you need to know some things.

1: This mod only supports the Western Star 49x DLC for American Truck Simulator

2: This mod has 4 bumper options.

3: This mod only supports SBA chassis options only (does not support SFA sorry)

Known issues:

1- SFA (Set Front Axle) Chassis options will not work with these bumpers, this is due to the bumper clipping through the front wheels.

2- When a accessory conflict warning pop-up appears on the screen, it will ask the user if they want to replace a part or not, if the user clicks yes, nothing literally happens, this is due to that I didn't set a defaulted chassis to be switched to after the user clicks on "yes" it's nothing too serious, your game will not crash, you'll just get this warning.

Mandatory accessories existing on the preview vehicle!

The vehicle cannot be previewed. Its configuration is broken!

Anyways enjoy the mod, and please, report any issues you may come across, if you got any tips or suggestions feel free to leave them down below in the comment section of this mod page.

I may be able to help with your issues, if you got any that I can help out with.

This file has been verified and is safe to download.
0xferd™ Verified Creator
All Rights Reserved
Initial Release
Current Version
1.38 1.39 1.40 1.41 1.42 1.43 1.44 1.45 1.46 1.47 1.48 1.49
Last Updated
0xferd™ - All rights reserved. Any reupload or redistribution of this file without the author's prior written consent is forbidden.
This American Truck Simulator add-on was created by 0xferd™ and shared in Exterior accessories for American Truck Simulator.