Improved Weather ETS2 Edition V1.0

Improved Weather ETS2 Edition

"Improved Weather (IW)" Is an Weather an Graphics mods trying to improved the weather, lightning and add new skybox in the future.

My final goal is to get an weather/graphics mods similar to those before 1.40 update. The main issue is after 1.40 update all graphics mods like (RGM, NaturaLux, Piva weather) is not updated anymore and the new graphics mods from 1.40 uptate (Weather 3.0, Realish Graphics) is disappointing because they look to much similar to SCS Lightning.

The reason why why the name of the mods is "Improved Weather" is because it's an tribute to the old (IWR) by S_Gate, were a lot new of graphics/weather mods before 1.40 was inspired from.


Feature (Current Version (V1.0))

  • Keep SCS Skybox
  • Improved visuals on SCS Skybox
  • Improved Sun visuals on SCS Skybox (Inluding customs flare)
  • Moon is visible during day on SCS Skybox
  • More color Saturation on SCS Skybox

The next version will have more feature, I planned to add new Skybox in the future.

I do the most simple possible, I only change the lightning and add New Skybox to make sure this mods is compatible with most graphics mods that change the texture.


For more please visit my official forum topic on ProMods

You can find add-on, Developpement news, Nvidia Freestyle setting, Preview video or discuss about suggestion, bugs and possible improvement to be made.

Ticreut29 Verified Creator
All Rights Reserved
Initial Release
Current Version
Last Updated
Ticreut29 - All rights reserved. Any reupload or redistribution of this file without the author's prior written consent is forbidden.
This Euro Truck Simulator 2 add-on was created by Ticreut29 and shared in Graphics for Euro Truck Simulator 2.