Original Cummins N14 sound by Kriechbaum

If you want the sounds to override the new Cummins N14 that Kriechbaum has created, make sure to place this mod above his engine sound megapack v4.2+

If you set it below it, his megapack will override this one.

All credits to Kriechbaum for the sounds.

I do not own any of the files and sound banks etc.

If Kriechbaum wants me to take this down I will gladly do so, I only did it with his permission to use his sounds and files for mods I like to create, I do not mean to disrespect him in any way shape or form, I only share this to the ATS community for people to enjoy and rejoice of these sounds from memories!


I have tested the mod in 1.47 as far as I know of, according to FMOD the last update for FMOD was made when Convoy/MP came out for ATS. This mod itself does not support Convoy/MP what so ever, I do not plan on finding a way to update it, this is due to my limitations with FMOD, I don't know much about FMOD Studio so I am not willing to waste all my brain cells just to get this mod working in Convoy/MP, if for some reason that anyone wants to make a Convoy/MP compatible version of this mod, you are welcome to do so but please ask me first before doing so.

Now in theory since this mod does not have the support for Convoy/MP use, this mod should be compatible with versions from 1.39 all the way up to 1.47 or higher, I take no responsibility if this mod breaks in later versions, if by any chance that the mod does break, just stop using it, there's nothing I can do about it, anyways enjoy the mod while you can.

However, you can freely use this mod in a Convoy session, just make sure that you and the host plus other players on that session have the same version of my mod, the same location, same file name etc, otherwise the game will get confused and say either "incorrect mod version" or "mod mismatch" meaning the mod will appear missing, this is usually caused by the mod name being changed, or either that the user/player may not have the mod installed at all.

To end things off, I will also mention something as well, since this mod is not really that compatible with Convoy, however if you still wish to use it in Convoy, please expect either no engine sound on the other player's truck, or expect a different sound or the newer N14 sound on the other player's truck, I have no idea what would occur or happen, but if you wish to use the mod in Convoy, by all means, feel free to do so!

This file has been verified and is safe to download.
0xferd™ Verified Creator
All Rights Reserved
Initial Release
Current Version
1.39 1.40 1.41 1.42 1.43 1.44 1.45 1.46 1.47
Last Updated
0xferd™ - All rights reserved. Any reupload or redistribution of this file without the author's prior written consent is forbidden.
This American Truck Simulator add-on was created by 0xferd™ and shared in Engines for American Truck Simulator.