GMC Logistics - ProMods TransContinental Map Combo 1.53

JRR (Java Road Revolution) - Indonesia Map [Type A - Default Version]
JRR (Java Road Revolution) - Indonesia Map [Type A - Default Version] by Septian_MR
Default Version - Indonesia's most realistic expansion map mod for ETS2, from Jakarta's vibrant streets to Java's diverse landscapes.

106,887 4.7

Bulgaria in Focus
Bulgaria in Focus by emhogg
Immerse yourself in the beauty and authenticity of Bulgaria

47,331 4.7

[1.53] Bengans Swedish Islands Map
[1.53] Bengans Swedish Islands Map by Jerry GMC Master Fixer
Revival of Bengans Map (RIP Bengan)

73,366 4.9

Portugal Rebuild
Portugal Rebuild by xVirus_37
This mod consists of recreating and improving Portugal.

54,347 4.8

Off the Grid - Russia
Off the Grid - Russia by UniMaps
Explore the untamed beauty of Siberian outback roads or so called - off the grid with my map!

50,874 4.4

Kirov Map - Russian Open Spaces RC
Kirov Map - Russian Open Spaces RC by hi sora
RC for ROS map and Kirov Map

21,415 5.0

[ALL VERSIONS] Hamza's Ultimate Ferry Adjuster
[ALL VERSIONS] Hamza's Ultimate Ferry Adjuster by HamzaB67
Hamza's Ultimate Ferry Adjuster removes and adds ferry and train connections to make the perfect routes for your jobs.

7,855 4.3

Portugal Rebuild UI add-on
Portugal Rebuild UI add-on by Manuel
Adds various pop-ups of the adminstrative regions in Portugal.

21,097 5.0

[1.53] Jerry's Fullscreen Maps (ETS2)
[1.53] Jerry's Fullscreen Maps (ETS2) by Jerry GMC Master Fixer
Fullscreens Most of the Maps in the Game

39,874 5.0

Trans-Siberian Truckway
Trans-Siberian Truckway by kwigdulah
Map of Russia (Siberia and the Far East) from Omsk Oblast to Vladivostok through Lake Baikal, Amur river and the Sakha republic.

43,779 4.2

The Cold North Map
The Cold North Map by hi sora
ProMods Addon that extends center sweden

23,998 4.7

SJMap - Jan Mayen
SJMap - Jan Mayen by notreal71
Small mod adding the island of Jan Mayen into the base game.

15,732 5.0

The Great Steppe - SibirMap Fix
The Great Steppe - SibirMap Fix by SaltySeeds06
This mod fixes def and sector conflics between TGS and SibirMap

32,796 5.0

[1.51-1.53] Altai Map English City Names
[1.51-1.53] Altai Map English City Names by HamzaB67
Adds English City Names to Altai Map

16,904 5.0

[1.53] ProMods The Great Steppe Beyond Fix
[1.53] ProMods The Great Steppe Beyond Fix by Jerry GMC Master Fixer
Disables Promods The Great Steppes' extra unused definitions that cause conflicts with Beyond by TerraMaps

39,807 5.0

More Swiss Towns for ProMods
More Swiss Towns for ProMods by Enphyte
Adds the towns of Domat/Elms & Susten into the game. Supports ProMods 2.73 / ETS2 1.53

23,353 5.0

[1.53] Rröfte Kosova - West Balkans Improvements
[1.53] Rröfte Kosova - West Balkans Improvements by HamzaB67
This mod plans on expanding and rebuilding Kosovo in the West Balkans DLC.

12,812 4.6

Leoben Add-on for Promods
Leoben Add-on for Promods by Fynn1510
Expands the austrian city Leoben

10,951 5.0

DE City Defintions for SCS Map / Promods
DE City Defintions for SCS Map / Promods by Fynn1510
Adds Definions to several german cities

7,235 4.7

Sinegor'e Map Add-on
Sinegor'e Map Add-on by Adammm.LN
OTGR 2.2 is required for this mod This mod adds the village of Sinegor'e

9,280 4.8

Ireland Map FIX
Ireland Map FIX by hi sora
Fixes and adjusts Ireland Map 0.1.1 for newer game versions.

10,435 5.0

[1.53] SRmap Fix
[1.53] SRmap Fix by Jerry GMC Master Fixer
Fixes a bunch of errors on SRmap

30,094 5.0

[1.53 / 2.73a] ProMods FIX
[1.53 / 2.73a] ProMods FIX by HamzaB67
Fixes major issues in ProMods Europe.

31,855 5.0

Russian Open Spaces
Russian Open Spaces by hi sora
Adaptation of ROS to newer game versions.

17,327 4.4

Sibir Map - Russian Open Spaces RC
Sibir Map - Russian Open Spaces RC by hi sora
Connects Sibir Map with Russian Open Spaces

14,300 4.0

Map of the Republic of Kazakhstan FIX
Map of the Republic of Kazakhstan FIX by hi sora
Ports, fixes and makes the map compatbile with newer game versions

11,077 5.0

Map of the Republic of Kazakhstan - ProMods The Great Steppe FIX
Map of the Republic of Kazakhstan - ProMods The Great Steppe FIX by hi sora
Makes Map of the Republic of Kazakhstan compatible with PM TGS

9,943 5.0

SFIGC by hi sora
SFIGC, a Shetland, Faroe, Greenland and Canadian expansion for ProMods

8,879 5.0

[ALL VERSIONS] Mersin-Suakin Ferry
[ALL VERSIONS] Mersin-Suakin Ferry by HamzaB67
Adds a ferry between Mersin [TR, Roex] and Suakin [SD, Beyond].

3,648 5.0

Senj West Balkans Map Add-on
Senj West Balkans Map Add-on by Fynn1510
Gives the scenery town of Senj a function

6,709 5.0

Central Russia
Central Russia by DanSlash
Central Russia – addon for Rusmap.rebuilt: M3, part of A108, a very small part of M9 and M1.Added new cities:Zvenigorod, Selyatino, Balabanovo, Vorsin


The World Background Map ETS2
The World Background Map ETS2 by GMC Logistics
Euro Truck Simulator 2 Background Map

14,862 3.2

Trans-Siberian Truckway - SibirMap RC
Trans-Siberian Truckway - SibirMap RC by kwigdulah
This mod connects the maps Trans-Siberian Truckway and SibirMap

10,402 5.0

Trans-Siberian Truckway	- Beyond RC
Trans-Siberian Truckway - Beyond RC by kwigdulah
This mod connects the maps Trans-Siberian Truckway and Beyond

9,547 5.0

WBPD (West Balkans Path-Breaker's Direction) Map
WBPD (West Balkans Path-Breaker's Direction) Map by Septian_MR
A new little add-on map mod that contains an extensive rework of the West Balkans DLC map.

6,073 5.0

Promods-SRMap Roadconnection
Promods-SRMap Roadconnection by Kiri
This Road connection Mod connets the city of Zeni (Promods) and Dombai (SRMap)

10,436 4.6