
Horn of Africa
Horn of Africa by UniMaps
Horn of Africa is a map of Somalia and Kenya, with plans to expand into all neighboring countries

57,945 4.8

[1.53] Bengans Swedish Islands Map
[1.53] Bengans Swedish Islands Map by Jerry GMC Master Fixer
Revival of Bengans Map (RIP Bengan)

74,215 4.9

[1.53] Project Palestine
[1.53] Project Palestine by HamzaB67
This map: Opens the southern border of Lebanon, Re-Adds Gaza and renames "West Bank" to "Palestine".

25,960 4.0

Road into wilderness
Road into wilderness by Tony_Viborg
Map of Africa, long road from South Africa to Kenya

36,557 4.3

Road into wilderness - Horn of Africa road connection.
Road into wilderness - Horn of Africa road connection. by Tony_Viborg
A road connection between Horn of Africa and Road into wilderness.

21,243 4.7

Road Into Wilderness - Beyond connection
Road Into Wilderness - Beyond connection by Tony_Viborg
This mod adds a road that connects Road Into Wilderness to Beyond.

23,497 4.9

[ALL VERSIONS] Hamza's Ultimate Ferry Adjuster
[ALL VERSIONS] Hamza's Ultimate Ferry Adjuster by HamzaB67
Hamza's Ultimate Ferry Adjuster removes and adds ferry and train connections to make the perfect routes for your jobs.

8,352 4.3

The Cold North Map
The Cold North Map by hi sora
ProMods Addon that extends center sweden

24,496 4.7

[1.53] ProMods The Great Steppe Beyond Fix
[1.53] ProMods The Great Steppe Beyond Fix by Jerry GMC Master Fixer
Disables Promods The Great Steppes' extra unused definitions that cause conflicts with Beyond by TerraMaps

40,488 5.0

More Swiss Towns for ProMods
More Swiss Towns for ProMods by Enphyte
Adds the towns of Domat/Elms & Susten into the game. Supports ProMods 2.73 / ETS2 1.53

23,740 5.0

[1.53] Red Sea Map + Beyond  - ProMods Middle-East Road Connection
[1.53] Red Sea Map + Beyond - ProMods Middle-East Road Connection by Jerry GMC Master Fixer
Connection for Beyond with ProMods Middle-East and Red Sea Resurrection

19,241 4.8

[1.53 / 2.73a] ProMods FIX
[1.53 / 2.73a] ProMods FIX by HamzaB67
Fixes major issues in ProMods Europe.

32,534 5.0

SFIGC by hi sora
SFIGC, a Shetland, Faroe, Greenland and Canadian expansion for ProMods

9,288 5.0

[OBSOLETE] Road Into Wilderness Traffic FIX
[OBSOLETE] Road Into Wilderness Traffic FIX by HamzaB67
Fixes dangling pointers for traffic in RIW.


WBPD (West Balkans Path-Breaker's Direction) Map
WBPD (West Balkans Path-Breaker's Direction) Map by Septian_MR
A new little add-on map mod that contains an extensive rework of the West Balkans DLC map.

6,826 5.0

Discover Schweiz V1.1
Discover Schweiz V1.1 by Edward Elgar
Discover inaccessible villages in Switzerland

5,809 5.0

[1.53] FLD Prefab Corners Fix
[1.53] FLD Prefab Corners Fix by Jerry GMC Master Fixer
Fixes FLD Prefab Corners being missing in certain scenarios

4,118 5.0

[1.53] Road Into WIlderness Fix
[1.53] Road Into WIlderness Fix by Jerry GMC Master Fixer
Fixes Conflicts with other Maps

4,118 4.3

[1.53] Beyond Country Registration Seperator
[1.53] Beyond Country Registration Seperator by Jerry GMC Master Fixer
Seperates Country Registrations

4,669 5.0

[1.53] Road Into WIlderness Beyond Fix
[1.53] Road Into WIlderness Beyond Fix by Jerry GMC Master Fixer
Fixes Conflicts between RIW and Beyond

3,693 5.0

[1.53] Beyond Horn of Africa Fix
[1.53] Beyond Horn of Africa Fix by Jerry GMC Master Fixer
Fixes country conflicts between Beyond and Horn of Africa.

4,981 5.0

[1.53] Road into Wilderness Horn of Africa Fix
[1.53] Road into Wilderness Horn of Africa Fix by Jerry GMC Master Fixer
Fixes Country Conflicts between RIW and HOA

2,861 5.0