
meine mods
Setra s517 HDH-2021 Topclass  (1.40 - 1.41 versiyon)
Setra s517 HDH-2021 Topclass (1.40 - 1.41 versiyon) by OyuncuyusBisMods
It is a Class A vehicle that is especially preferred for the long road in Europe and Turkey and is also used in the tourism sector.

2,658 4.2

Mb-New Tourismo - 2018
Mb-New Tourismo - 2018 by OyuncuyusBisMods
Kabin içi ışıkları yenilendi.2 renk koyuldu(sarı-beyaz-düşük ve yüksek seçenekli)

1,903 3.0

ETS2 Better Traffic For Promods
ETS2 Better Traffic For Promods by Greenlightracer
Aims to Moderately Increase traffic making it busier and quieter at times they could be in real life

1,961 3.0